The nursery is now 100% finished. There's not anything else we have to do/add/purchase (no more "have to's" but there are still some "want to's" left at Pottery Barn Kids!) To show off the final touch, here's a quick look:
...and the close-up...
This dying with tea project turned out 100x better than I thought it might! It was actually fun, too. I used plain ole' Lipton...
...and dumped 10 tea bags into a paint tray (after dealing with the nursery walls we had plenty of those just lying around in the garage).
Given that the paper the copies of these prints was on was just regular copy paper weight, I ignored any and all directions advising me to let it soak for 30-45 minutes. I spread each sheet into the tray and used a wooden spoon to make sure all the edges were covered in tea....then took them out about 6-7 minutes later. I laid them on the back side of a cookie sheet in the oven at 185 degrees, and just kept an eye on them. When they were 95% dry, I popped them out and let them finish air-drying on the dining room table. It was PERFECT! They look antique, and coupled with the great matting and framing that Hobby Lobby and I were able to pull off, the prints look deceptively super-expensive. Here's a before-and-after shot:
I left Miss Jemima Puddle-Duck off my little boy's walls as I was afraid she may be just a tad bit too girly. Thoughts?? Mr. Wonderful, of course, agreed with me.
Moving on...
Saturday morning I woke up to Ming, our Siamese, howling his head off and racing wildly around the house for no apparent reason. And it wouldn't stop. I was still in bed, trying to wake up gradually and praying his attack on my eardrums would call a cease-fire, but to no avail. Finally I threw back the covers, hopped in the shower and when Mr. Wonderful asked me what I was doing, I said "I'm getting out of this house." I assured him he was welcome to come with me or stay, and although he'd had a late night the night before with his fantasy football draft (don't get me started--many of you are already aware of my opinion of all things football) he hopped in the car with me, and we drove to Weston, MO. I like Weston. It's microscopically small, and you can literally run from one end of it to the other in about 2 minutes. However, it happens to be the home of my favorite
Mr. Wonderful, after having purchased 2 bottles of Mellow Red...just for me!
This place is so fantastic. Inside is ongoing wine tasting all day long, AND--drum roll--you can order a picnic lunch and eat under the arbor in the shade to the left of where you see Mr. Wonderful now:
A lunch basket nets you a hot-out-of-the-oven loaf of french bread, cheese, sausage, fruit...and wine. The picture's a little dimly lit, but under the awning are tables and chairs. Very pleasant way to spend your afternoon!
After Pirtle's, we parked in front of a historic bed-and-breakfast we once hit up on a Friday night. I vaguely remember the room, but the breakfast the next morning is permanently etched on my brain. Wow. Unforgettable eats!
We then walked the rest of the way into town, where I unabashedly dragged Mr. Wonderful into a dozen shops, most of them containing antiques, before we stopped at a tea room for lunch. Weston may be tiny, but they have crammed it full of so many wonderful things I love--amazing wine, amazing food and antiques! This was officially my last hurrah before Junior, and I was grateful for every minute of it, as "the home stretch" is turning out to be the most difficult.
Thank you, my friends and family, for reading my blog. Even though we're so far apart, it's truly a comfort to know that my loved ones read up on my silly little adventures. Soon, I'll have to begin a chapter on "Adventures In Diapering", as not being that coordinated, I always fear I will diaper my son's head rather than his behind!