Mr. Wonderful is a patient man. He puts up with my moods, my snoring at night (pregnancy did this to me!) and my penchant for watching the same black-and-white movies over and over...and over yet again. So when his one request in seemingly forever was that we dress for Halloween as a family unit, I felt I had to acquiesce. Little did I know what I had agreed to. Here we are:
And again:
And yes, that's Junior decked out as a penguin as well--Mr. Wonderful's favorite animal. Thanks to my brother-in-law Brandon, for keeping a straight face long enough to snap these photos. :) I guess if I was willing to move to Kansas (still trying to cope with that decision all these years later) I should be able to humiliate myself in a penguin costume for him too. After all, he isn't Mr. Wonderful for nothin'.
Have a happy and safe Halloween, everyone!
So, tell me: What was the most embarassing thing you ever did for a loved one?

Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
No, it isn't the time as I write. No, it's not my average marathon time. It also isn't the amount of time it takes for me to get myself and my child out the door (although it's not far off).
3 hours and 20 minutes happens to be the length of time that Junior cried today...straight. From 2:00 until 2 minutes ago, when I had the bright idea to plug in a box fan in his room and crank it on high. Ever seen the movie "Life As We Know It", with Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel? I watched a snippet of it last night for the 20th time and as I was nearing the end of my rope this afternoon I remembered a scene where they hold the baby up to the fan above the stove in the kitchen. Quick as a flash, I grab Junior and the next thing he knows, he's being rocked over the stove with the fan blasting. For about a minute and a half, there was peace for the first time in hours. It was just the two of us, gently swaying and enjoying the white noise of the fan. It gave me enough time to remark to myself (again) that he was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. (It's hard to see all his bee-yoo-tifulness when he's red in the face and screaming.) And then the peace and love fest was over, and he reared back and deafened me in my left ear.
Today also happens to mark his one month birthday...and the first day of his life that when he cries, actual tears come out. It makes his unhappy moments that much sadder for me. Real tears=real heartbreak in my book. Even if they're really of the crocodile variety.
I thank the Lord that I remembered the old white box fan of Dusty's that we'd stored away in Beau's closet. I had meant to take it apart and give it a good cleaning before its first use in Junior's room, but this was an emergency. Dust be danged. My son was going to go hoarse and I was going to go deaf, and the dog was going to wear a trench in the floor from nervously pacing back and forth. (Junior's crying really gets to him.)
"Is he alright??"
I expected the dog to bring his bones to Junior's door any minute. He did that once, in a sweet and obvious effort to cheer the baby up when Junior was pulling an all-nighter (and coincidentally, so were Mr. Wonderful and I).
All I can say is, between levels 1, 2 and 3 on the fan, Junior was only happy with "3", and is currently snoozing peacefully (or is he? the fan is so loud I'm not sure I could hear him anyway!), and has been long enough to allow me to blog. :)
So, tell me parents: Any secret weapons or tricks out there that works/worked on your little one?
3 hours and 20 minutes happens to be the length of time that Junior cried today...straight. From 2:00 until 2 minutes ago, when I had the bright idea to plug in a box fan in his room and crank it on high. Ever seen the movie "Life As We Know It", with Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel? I watched a snippet of it last night for the 20th time and as I was nearing the end of my rope this afternoon I remembered a scene where they hold the baby up to the fan above the stove in the kitchen. Quick as a flash, I grab Junior and the next thing he knows, he's being rocked over the stove with the fan blasting. For about a minute and a half, there was peace for the first time in hours. It was just the two of us, gently swaying and enjoying the white noise of the fan. It gave me enough time to remark to myself (again) that he was quite possibly the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. (It's hard to see all his bee-yoo-tifulness when he's red in the face and screaming.) And then the peace and love fest was over, and he reared back and deafened me in my left ear.
Today also happens to mark his one month birthday...and the first day of his life that when he cries, actual tears come out. It makes his unhappy moments that much sadder for me. Real tears=real heartbreak in my book. Even if they're really of the crocodile variety.
I thank the Lord that I remembered the old white box fan of Dusty's that we'd stored away in Beau's closet. I had meant to take it apart and give it a good cleaning before its first use in Junior's room, but this was an emergency. Dust be danged. My son was going to go hoarse and I was going to go deaf, and the dog was going to wear a trench in the floor from nervously pacing back and forth. (Junior's crying really gets to him.)
"Is he alright??"
I expected the dog to bring his bones to Junior's door any minute. He did that once, in a sweet and obvious effort to cheer the baby up when Junior was pulling an all-nighter (and coincidentally, so were Mr. Wonderful and I).
All I can say is, between levels 1, 2 and 3 on the fan, Junior was only happy with "3", and is currently snoozing peacefully (or is he? the fan is so loud I'm not sure I could hear him anyway!), and has been long enough to allow me to blog. :)
So, tell me parents: Any secret weapons or tricks out there that works/worked on your little one?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Things I Never Knew...
Well, ladies and'll have to forgive my absence in these past few weeks. I've had a very good reason. And here he is:
Meet Beau: 9 lbs and 20 inches of a rip-roaring good time! Mr. Wonderful and I couldn't be happier. Our boy is sweet, snuggly and only cries if there's actually something wrong, likethe end of the world when we give him a bath. He'll be 3 weeks old the day after tomorrow, and the time has flown by like I never thought it could.There are a few things about parenthood and myself in particular I didn't realize until Beau joined our family. I thought I'd share them with you:
I Never Knew...
1.) That I could eat an entire meal in 2 minutes.
2.) That most of my meals would consist of a handful of mini pretzels and half a granola bar.
3.) That I could run from one end of our house to the other in 4 seconds.
4.) That once I got to the other end I'd have to wait through 4 minutes of Beau's screaming while a bottle warms up.
5.) That given the choice between sleeping or eating, I'd choose sleeping every time.
6.) That a post-baby belly could be so much fun--you can roll it up, fold it in half and try to find designs in your stretch marks--like you did with clouds as a kid.
7.) That I would look at the clock before bed at night and not really know where my day went.
8.) That I could be this happy and this tired simultaneously.
9.) That watching a baby sleep could qualify as entertainment.
10.) That when your baby's in pain, you would do anything in the world--literally--to stop it.
11.) That I could shower, shave and wash my hair in the time it used to take me to do just one of those.
12.) That my former perfume habit would be replaced with "eau de milk".
13.) That two-part questions would now be out of the realm of possibility for me. I can now only
intelligently answer one.
14.) That crazy drivers could make me this angry. Don't they know I am driving around the World's Most Important Person in my backseat???
15.) That successfully retrieving a booger the size of Mt. Rushmore from my son's left nostril would feel
like such an accomplishment!
16.) That I could dole out this many kisses in one day...unsolicited, sometimes unwelcome kisses.
17.) That I could feel physically violent towards nurses who prick my son for testing purposes, then try
to say the first time might not have "taken" and they need to do it again.
18.) That I could spend so little time with my cat.
19.) That anyone so small could eat this much and this often.
20.) That I could spontaneously cry tears of joy at 4 a.m. while being spat up on.
Check out the belly on this bear cub!
Lastly I'd like to point out that if you were to hold baby photos of Mr. Wonderful next to baby photos of Junior, you may be hard pressed to tell them apart. My baby is a little carbon copy of his daddy (but with my hair and monster-grip toes)--just the way I like it. :)
I hope to be able to blog regularly again, now that my little family and I are getting into a routine. But until then, tell me:
Did/do you resemble one parent more than another?
Meet Beau: 9 lbs and 20 inches of a rip-roaring good time! Mr. Wonderful and I couldn't be happier. Our boy is sweet, snuggly and only cries if there's actually something wrong, like
I Never Knew...
1.) That I could eat an entire meal in 2 minutes.
2.) That most of my meals would consist of a handful of mini pretzels and half a granola bar.
3.) That I could run from one end of our house to the other in 4 seconds.
4.) That once I got to the other end I'd have to wait through 4 minutes of Beau's screaming while a bottle warms up.
5.) That given the choice between sleeping or eating, I'd choose sleeping every time.
6.) That a post-baby belly could be so much fun--you can roll it up, fold it in half and try to find designs in your stretch marks--like you did with clouds as a kid.
7.) That I would look at the clock before bed at night and not really know where my day went.
8.) That I could be this happy and this tired simultaneously.
9.) That watching a baby sleep could qualify as entertainment.
10.) That when your baby's in pain, you would do anything in the world--literally--to stop it.
11.) That I could shower, shave and wash my hair in the time it used to take me to do just one of those.
12.) That my former perfume habit would be replaced with "eau de milk".
13.) That two-part questions would now be out of the realm of possibility for me. I can now only
intelligently answer one.
14.) That crazy drivers could make me this angry. Don't they know I am driving around the World's Most Important Person in my backseat???
15.) That successfully retrieving a booger the size of Mt. Rushmore from my son's left nostril would feel
like such an accomplishment!
16.) That I could dole out this many kisses in one day...unsolicited, sometimes unwelcome kisses.
17.) That I could feel physically violent towards nurses who prick my son for testing purposes, then try
to say the first time might not have "taken" and they need to do it again.
18.) That I could spend so little time with my cat.
19.) That anyone so small could eat this much and this often.
20.) That I could spontaneously cry tears of joy at 4 a.m. while being spat up on.
Check out the belly on this bear cub!
Lastly I'd like to point out that if you were to hold baby photos of Mr. Wonderful next to baby photos of Junior, you may be hard pressed to tell them apart. My baby is a little carbon copy of his daddy (but with my hair and monster-grip toes)--just the way I like it. :)
I hope to be able to blog regularly again, now that my little family and I are getting into a routine. But until then, tell me:
Did/do you resemble one parent more than another?
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