We close on our new home on April 5th--just about a month from now. And while I am extremely excited to get in and get settled and start decorating (thank goodness for www.pinterest.com!), there's something else that's occupying my thoughts and time these days as well.
Baby Weight.
I capitalized because I find this weight worthy of capitalization. It is, in fact, a very worthy opponent. I could say "Why didn't anyone tell me it was this hard?" but they did. Both my friend Stephanie and my sister-in-law were honest in letting me know upfront that it wasn't easy. After battling toe problems for months and months after Beau, I truly felt behind in losing the baby weight. I couldn't wear closed-toed shoes, so...no workouts for me. In the past 4 1/2 weeks however, I've lost 10 lbs. I am torn between celebrating and being a little sad, as this is only 1/3 of the way towards my goal weight.
This weight loss is happening in a very healthy way. (Read: very restrictive, very challenging). I am running every other day and using Noom, a really handy app my stepmother told me about. It keeps track of everything about you--your weight, your workouts, your meals, your waist size...and based on this info it comes up with a caloric intake limit per day for you. It does work. But it is very difficult. For instance--based on the above factors, today's calorie limit for me is 1230 calories. All day long. No exceptions. Period.
Tough stuff.
It just so happens that I received some additional motivation in the mail yesterday, in the form of a 16"x20" stretched canvas work of art:
This was a Groupon offer from months ago that I'd purchased and finally ordered. Taken on our wedding day, here I am, in a dress that was too big because my seamstress couldn't keep up with my weight loss (lots of cardio, very little carbs). Regardless, I weighed about 132 lbs. I'd like to get back there. Intended as a house-warming present for my husband (he has free reign to hang this anywhere in our new home that he chooses), I now see it sitting on the mantel in our townhouse here and it's a fantastic reminder not to exceed those 1230 calories. :) All of this weight loss needs to happen prior to this summer, when I may be called upon to wear something other than my daily uniform: old baggy tee-shirt (complete with spit-up and drool spots--not my own) and sweatpants.
Just thought I would share my current struggle. :) I know it is not wholly unfamiliar with some of you, so if you have any tips to help me along, send 'em my way!