Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Facing My Fear...and the Inevitable

   Ever got yourself into the middle of a situation or project and then had the thought "Uh-oh. What if I can't pull this off??" Every so often, since January, this thought creeps up on me and I end up having to do major battle with it!
   Today I registered my husband and I for a newborn-care class coming up in August. In his case...I'm not too sure he needs it! My husband comes from a relatively large family--he is one of four children. His "little" brother (who just got the remainder of his college paid for with a basketball scholarship--way to go, Todd!) was 9 years younger than Dusty. Dusty has changed diapers, fed, burped, etc.
I am not only an only child but so is my Dad. Our family is tiny. I've changed one diaper. Ever. It was our niece Isabella's, and bless her heart, I initially put her diaper on backward. Poor child!
Amongst our friends and family that have children, Dusty is a star, my friends! People hand him their babies and he's all over it. Not only that, but every child always loves him.

Exhibit A:
    See what I mean?? And then the only picture you see of me holding any of these children:
You might not be able to tell, but that look on my face is fear, frozen on me like a statue. (A dead giveaway is the stiff closed-mouth smile). And if you're thinking that Isabella doesn't look any too happy either, you're right. I alternated between boring her and cramping her style, unfortunately. Regardless, clearly the message on my face reads "What do I do with this child???" 

I must say, when friends hand me their babies I start to panic a little inside. Often I have an excuse handy...or just make myself scarce. Usually it stems from the fear of the child hating life while in my arms and screaming like a banshee but with really teeny tiny kiddos it's a whole slew of things, like: "What if I hold them wrong and their head falls off?!?" or "What if they unleash some sort of bodily fluid on me??" 

You can imagine why my confidence in this department is not overly high given my lack of experience in comparison to Dusty's. Mr. Wonderful is going to go from 0-60 with our son with ease and confidence...I'm hoping his capabilities rub off on me, and fast!

So here I am, expecting my own little one, and on occasion that quote from Prissy in "Gone With the Wind" pops up in my head: "I don't know nothin' bout birthin' raising no babies!" 

Come to think of it, I don't know nothin' bout birthin' them either...


  1. Leslie: "Are you sure you don't want to hold her Megan?"

    Megan: "No."

    hehe, you will make a great mom! I have absolutely no doublt about it.

  2. In that circumstance, let's give the back problem I was/am having a little credit! lol...that child likes to be bounced, and I had no bounce in me! Thanks for the encouragement! :)
