Friday, July 1, 2011

Timing is Everything...

After 4 years and 5 months (but who's counting?) of living in Kansas, I've finally decided to start logging my experiences in The Sunflower State. Having had no problem with moving around a LOT in previous years, I have to admit I hadn't taken into account that I had always moved within the same region--the southeastern United States. Once I set foot in the Midwest I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore I was truly in unfamiliar territory for the first time.

Once I'd adapted to the local customs (beer, ball and BBQ anyone?) things were a little easier, although it still to this day can make me feel like an unwilling visitor to a foreign, for example, Yemen. (Just kidding!)

Having left the tiny portion of my heart that does not belong to my husband behind still renders me teary-eyed on random occasions. This would be anytime I come across something that reminds me of Charleston, SC. Because before I fell in love with my husband, I fell in love with Charleston. Head-over-heels, madly, passionately in love. For 8 months I had the love affair of a lifetime with that city while living there. Who knew there was a human being out there that would be so wonderful I'd leave Charleston just to be with him?? But there was. And truth be told if Mr. Wonderful needed us to move to Yemen tomorrow I would be on board. I am beginning to suspect I would follow that man anywhere! My husband Dusty assures me we will be making our way back to Charleston someday. Then I'll have the 2 loves of my life simultaneously--that's not something most women can claim!

Why I would decide to start a blog now, after The Move, The Engagement and The Wedding is simple: Although each of those life experiences were extremely significant, none of them were quite so significant as The Pregnancy. Yep, that's right. I'm preggo. A little over 7 months, to be exact. Which means that in a couple of months I'll have a wriggling, crying, sleeping, eating, peeing, pooping little boy to look after and to adore. Even though he isn't actually here yet, the adoration has already started. When he sticks his two little feet so far out into my tummy that you can see them, he gets a foot rub. When I discovered that he seemed to have a penchant for 5 Guys burgers, I made that a monthly treat for him (no more than that--gotta watch the sodium intake!) When I noticed that he kicked and thumped like a bunny rabbit, I felt he must be communicating a room decor preference to me--so his nursery is Peter Rabbit-themed. In fact, it looks a little like Peter Rabbit threw up in there at the moment. I hope to have it at least partially organized before Junior makes his debut.

The focus of any typical day for me is God, family and friends, which I like to believe means I'm much like most Americans. My hope for this blog is that today is the start of an ongoing relationship--with my thoughts, my computer, and you. I hope to detail the daily struggles, the joys and the triumphs of Mr. Wonderful, myself...and Junior, whenever he decides to arrive. So as I sit here writing, looking forward to the days ahead and making plans, it's nice to know you're out Kansas, the southeast, or Yemen!

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