Monday, July 25, 2011

Ah, Monday...Here You Are Again

     This never happens to me, but I actually had a Saturday where I felt bored for a period of time. Sure, I could've done  a couple of little household tasks that needed doing but that seemed about as appealing as putting an olive in my mouth.
     I found myself, unfortunately, relying on my husband to entertain me. ME--an only child, relying on someone else for entertainment. We're supposed to be a little more self-reliant and self-entertaining than that! Poor Mr. Wonderful--nothing he suggested sounded worth getting off the couch for. Finally, as a last straw and last ditch effort to get out of the house...we ran errands. Exciting? Nope. But it got me off my rear end.
     Sunday went by in a blur--we did join our church, and Mr. Wonderful is getting baptized soon! That was exciting. Other than a nap and attending our niece's 2nd birthday, there was nothing else going on. We keep trying to hang onto our interest in True Blood on Sunday nights but it's fading fast. Anyone else think this season is duller than dishwater?? Anyone else wanting to fast-forward to other shows on the horizon? Boardwalk Empire? Walking Dead? Anybody?
     All that being said, I woke up this Monday morning with a purpose, and found myself, due to technical difficulties, unable to accomplish what I'd had in mind. It brought on a case of the Mondays fast, and here I am now wishing for Tuesday because feels like a bust already. I am seriously lacking the motivation I need to tackle any nagging little to-do's now. And I envy these guys, because they just seem happy to be here:
So, tell me: How do you get back on track when your plans get derailed?


  1. love this blog!! I have been a little unmotivated lately...i am dreaming of days by the pool or laying on the beach at a resort...sleeping and hanging out with the hubbs, friends and family!
    When my plans get de-railed...hmmm?...i get off track for a while, enjoy the adventure and try to hop back on the tracks in a timely manner :) miss you Megan!

  2. Thanks so much! Today the problem is with the "hopping back on the tracks in a timely manner" part! The pool, the beach and sleeping all sound wonderful...I would sign up for those too!
    Miss you too!
